Blythe Plenderleith

Blythe Plenderleith studied BA Hons Sculpture and Environmental Art at the Glasgow School of Art (2017-2021). After achieving a first in her BA, Blythe was awarded The Cass Art Scholarship to complete her MA in Sculpture at the Royal College of Art (2021-2023), where she also gained a distinction for her thesis examining notions of perfection and making-do. Most recently, Blythe became the prizewinner of The Alan Davidson Foundation Under 26 Award exhibiting at The 6th John Ruskin Art Prize 2024 and the recipient of the Fleming-Wyfold Art Foundation Award exhibiting at the RSA New Contemporaries 2023.

Blythe’s research and practice observes small town traditions of farming, harvesting, quilting, barn raising and furniture making thus aiming to redefine standards in an age of mass-production and cheap imitations. Relishing the decorative arts of America as well as the traditions and techniques taken from her Scottish-American heritage, Blythe probes the terms craftsmanship, twee, needs-must and improving, questioning small town living and paying tribute to its historical matrix; necessity is the mother of all invention.

Blythe has recently worked in collaboration with Battersea and Wandsworth Council to ‘take over’ Barbara Hepworth’s Single Form (Memorial) site in Battersea Park, London (2022) where her concept was developed, made and constructed for temporary display while Single Form (Memorial) was on loan.

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